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EU COM explains “Why Organic Matter Matters”

July 25, 2016 by Barbara Verplancken

A new brochure and infographic from the European Commission gives a non-technical overview of “Why Organic Matter Matters”. It was produced by DG AGRI’s European Innovation Platform (EIP-AGRI).

It explains the role of soil organic matter in improving yields, soil quality and water retention. Sufficient organic matter in the soil also helps reduce nutrient losses and carbon dioxide emissions. Soil organic matter is also important to feed a healthy balance of soil microorganisms that keep soil-borne diseases in check.

Organic-based fertilizers help maintain and increase soil organic matter. Transport of organic fertilizers from areas with too much organic matter to areas where soils are very poor in organic matter is more cost-effective than transporting raw manures. ECOFI members are proud to play a central role in nurturing agricultural soils.

Download the brochure