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Draft EU regulation promotes organic fertilizers as a way to ‘turn problems into opportunities for farmers and business’

March 23, 2016 by Barbara Verplancken

ECOFI welcomes the Commission’s publication of the much-anticipated revision to the Fertilizers Regulation, and the positive step it represents in recognizing the value of organic-based fertilizers in contributing to the Circular Economy. In its press statement, the European Commission points out that the reuse of raw materials now disposed as waste are one of the key principles of the Circular Economy, and organic-based fertilizers are central to this principle.

Organic-based fertilizers are a key enabler of the Circular Economy by helping to enhance resource use efficiency and by promoting circularity and the recycling of nutrients in agriculture. At the moment, the products are impeded in their ability to deliver on the objectives of the Circular Economy because they lack the necessary market conditions to compete with traditional inorganic fertilizers.

The new proposal opens up market opportunities for the wider family of fertilizing products, which includes organic-based fertilizers, and will grant farmers improved access to these innovative tools.

“The draft regulation shows clearly that European decision-makers recognize the key role our industry plays in reducing waste, energy consumption and environmental damage,” said Luca Bonini, ECOFI President. “The organic-based fertilizer industry has been contributing to the Circular Economy for decades. It is great that EU decision makers recognize the contribution of our innovative companies, which are often family-owned enterprises. The Commission’s willingness to provide new market opportunities will encourage our sector’s recent trend towards more research and product development to provide better, more diversified products that better meet farmers’ needs and help achieve a Circular Economy,” he added